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Giving and Taking – Development Aid Africa

On September 22nd, the 50th anniversary of independence was celebrated in Bamako, the capital of Mali. Peter Heller – writer and director – was there with the Cologne-based cameraman Dieter Stürmer and the Hamburg-based sound engineer Timo Selengia, and they brought back images of…


bamako parade klOn September 22nd, the 50th anniversary of independence was celebrated in Bamako, the capital of Mali. Peter Heller – writer and director – was there with the Cologne-based cameraman Dieter Stürmer and the Hamburg-based sound engineer Timo Selengia, and they brought back images of splendor and poverty. The intention of the film is to present the concept of development aid from the perspective of Africans. With powerful images and provocative statements, the film pursues, documents and inquires why, after 50 years and 600 billion US dollars of aid money, Africa has not only not undergone a surge in development, but the countries receiving the greatest portions of aid are doing worse now than 50 years ago.manatali peter dieter wasser The film is produced by Wolfgang Bergmann and will be completed in the summer of 2011. In the fall of 2011, it will be cinematically released by Kölner W-Filmverleih. The film is being made in cooperation with WDR and ARTE (Sabine Rollberg and Jutta Krug) and has received support from MEDIA Development, the NRW Film Foundation, DFFF and the Hamburg Film Fund.